Here are some uses of the cli on tools-web.
Basic command:
- Start commandbash
vue -h
vue -h
- Create new componentbash
vue make:component Button
vue make:component Button
- Create new routebash
vue make:route World /world
vue make:route World /world
- Create new storebash
vue make:store user
vue make:store user
Integration framework/library command:
vue add:quasar
vue add:vuetify
vue add:antd
vue add:element-plus
vue add:quasar
vue add:vuetify
vue add:antd
vue add:element-plus
Command | Description | Arguments | Options |
add:quasar | Project integration with Quasar | ||
add:vuetify | Project integration with Vuetify 3 | --icon <name> | |
add:antd | Project integration with Ant Design | ||
add:element-plus | Project integration with Element Plus | ||
make:component | Generate component | <name> | --no-hook |
make:route | Generate route pages | <name> <url> | --no-hook |
make:store | Generate store | <name> |